

Location : ,

Job Description

Help Desk Level 2 

Job Description 
Functional Responsibilities:
• Performs Service Desk duties including staffing the Service Desk phone and mailbox as well
as create, log and resolve trouble tickets
• Provides technical assistance to computer system users on a variety of issues
• Responds to telephone calls, email and personal requests for technical support, using the
ticketing system to document, track and monitor such requests.
• Develops and maintains a solutions database for Service Desk tickets.
• Performs administrative tasks for Service Desk/ticket tracking tools.
• Delivers routine security and access functions, such as logins and password resets to improve
continuity of agency business functions
Minimum Requirements:
• Basic to intermediate understanding of Windows 10 and 11 devices.
• Problem-solving and analytical skills to diagnose and resolve technical issues effectively.
• Basic understanding of ticketing systems and knowledge base tools.
Professional Expectations:
• Attends all meetings, meets delivery deadlines and is available during ERS office hours.
• Logs in and remains on agency Jabber during work hours.
• Attends remote meetings with camera on unless prior arranged for camera off.
• Coordinates leave and vacation with ERS lead.
• Must dress appropriately for a business/business casual environment.
• Communicates respectfully and works harmoniously with all co-workers, customers and
• Provides exceptional customer service.
• Is flexible; able to work under pressure and; able to adapt to change; and able to work on
multiple problems and tasks.
• Takes initiative to prevent and solve problems.