

Location : ,

Job Description

Title:  Informatica Developer

Location:  Mechanicsburg/Harrisburg, PA (100% onsite) – NO EXCEPTIONS

NOTE:   Must be relocated to the area prior to starting on the project.


Needed with submittal:

  1. Resume must have education details in full
  2. Certifications in full detail and dates acquired
  4. Picture ID
  5. Zoom pic ID from you.  This is a necessary step to try and avoid “Bait and Switch” issues.  Manager will have the ID during interview.
  6. MM/DD of DOB (don’t need the year) – required field in portal
  7. Citizenship
  8. Date candidate can start
  9. Interview availability
  10. Current Location:  (Full Address please)
    1. Must be in the U.S only.  Explain they cannot take Deloitte equipment out of country


Job Details from client:


Working on the  contract, we are seeking 2 resources to join our ongoing development team, as a couple resources had to leave to India and not returning.  Make note, that work in another country is not permissible.

Required Skills Informatica, PL/SQL, Oracle & Azure
Preferred Skills Infromatica,Oracle


Interview Guidelines:

Please share this with all candidates before submitting resume, to adhere to following interview guidelines:

  1. Headphones are not permitted. Use an external speaker.
  2. Cellphones are not permitted. Cell phone usage is strictly prohibited.
  3. Install zoom client application prior to the interview. Joining through web application doesn’t enable all the features and can lead to inconclusive interviews.
  4. Do not use zoom filters/background.
  5. Join the interview timely from a quiet place with no distractions.
  6. Ensure the room is well lit and you are clearly visible.
  7. Make sure your internet connection is stable and there is no lag.
  8. Should your lips not be in sync with your voice, we will stop the interview.