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Job Description

Job Title – Energy Manager.

ENERGY MANAGER, experienced in energy audits and energy conservation for industrial and manufacturing facilities.

The individual should have the following qualifications and background:

  • Must have Bachelor's Degree in Engineering, Science, Business, or degree in Engineering Technologies or Facility Engineering
  • Possess analytical skills to assess problems and situations, develop recommendations, and implement solutions, including economic justifications.
  • Must possess interpersonal skills to facilitate effective interactions with team member's internal and external customers and vendors/suppliers/contractors.
  • Must have Three (3) Years of experience in conducting energy and/or power studies, managing projects, and/or directing and inspecting the work implementation teams.
  • Must possess strong verbal & written communication skills to present ideas, findings, and recommendations in a logical, clear manner and negotiate and persuade effectively.
  • Must be a self-leader and work without constant direction.

Energy Manager Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and Responsibilities for an Energy Manager include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Launch and sustain an energy awareness campaign whose primary objective is to raise energy awareness in the plant in order to facilitate a change in the plant culture relative to energy.
  • Prepare and maintain baseline information on key energy parameters (i.e., Compressed Air, Lighting, Building Envelope, HVAC, etc.) relative to applicable significant energy-consuming activities within the plant.
  • Develop and maintain a plant energy team consisting of appropriate personnel within the plant
  • Perform detailed Utility bill analyses of the customer's energy usages or plant processes and develop recommendations for more efficient operation of equipment (peak shaving, load shedding, etc.).
  • Monitor, review, and as applicable, recommend and assist the client in participation in Federal, State, and local and utility energy conservation initiatives, programs, and rebates.
  • Seek out opportunities to improve customer satisfaction through recommendation and implementation of energy-efficient alternatives
  • Conduct periodic energy audits to determine the energy cost savings opportunities and report progress, work with plant personnel as required, maximizing non-capital opportunities (i.e., compressed air leak surveys, turn-it-off programs, programming adjustments, operating procedures, etc.)
  • Develop and maintain a current energy savings project and opportunities list to assist with forecasting the utility budget for the plant
  • Review all proposals concerning new machines, equipment, and processes that consume energy Develop business cases and assist in writing capital and/or resource appropriations requests
  • Assist the client and plant engineering on executing scheduling and prioritizing energy savings projects