Top 3:
Experience setting up HiL tests using Dspace, Opal-RT or Speedgoat AND understanding of C++, embedded software development.
C2H role
Here is what the ideal person would do broken into 3 parts------BUT we don’t need someone who can do everything….
Modification of plant models (he said they would not be created from scratch)
- Create plant models in Simulink or Simscape for voltage supplies, motors, fan load, pump load, etc
- Use knowledge of electromechanics and control theory
- Test model in simulated environment.
Setup and maintenance of the OPAL RT test stand
- Mapping controller I/O to the test stand I/O
- Determine needed harness, panel changes, or physical loads
- Use RTLab to setup up any Simulink models
- Connecting plant model I/O to the test stand and controller I/O
- Setup test stand data logging, triggering, CAN interface, and general based software framework
- Setup any needed FPGA functionality
Test execution
- Analyze requirements
- Create test cases
- Create the python script to automation test case
- Execute tests
- Create result reports